Eucalyptus Hills Chipping Event

When: Saturday, May 20th – 8:00am to 1:00pm

Where: Eucalyptus Hills School on Valle Vista Rd.

  • Material including, but not limited to, palm, succulents, and poison oak will not be chipped.
  • Old, matted sticks are not be eligible for chipping.
  • Brush must be free of mud, rocks, and other debris.
  • Maximum six-inch diameter on cut limbs.
  • Option to take chips home or leave there.

This event is provided by The Fire Safe Council in conjunction with Eucalyptus Hills Landowners Association (EHLA). Donations accepted but not required.

Fire Safe Council of San Diego County – NO COST CHIPPING PROGRAM

Are you fire safe? The following program is designed to help prepare your home and property for the risk of wildfires. The Fire Safe Council of San Diego County can help create defensible space support.

You clear and stack the hazardous brush around your home, and then we chip all that fuel, leaving you with weed suppressing mulch to use on your property – all at no charge.

Please visit the Fire Safe Council’s website HERE or download the PDF above.

Roof Ventilation & Vent Screens

In San Diego, the major benefits of proper ventilation in a home are actually a twofold system. Regardless of the season, proper attic ventilation can help keep the inside temperatures comfortable for the homeowner. A buildup of heat settled in the attic causes the area to reach temperatures up to 140°F, which is a potential health hazard for occupants. Hot, moist air is a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and other unpleasant particles that can affect people and the structure of the roof as well.  Hot, moist air can be especially damaging to wood structures over time.  Proper ventilation in attic areas allow moisture to be released without damaging wood, insulation, studs, and other materials.

In California, building codes require cross-ventilation — two openings to the outside that create a flow of fresh air through your attic. There should be at least 1 square foot of ventilation for every 150 square feet of attic space.

Fire resistant vents, vents made of corrosion resistant and non-combustible materials are recommended with mesh in size 1/4″ or less.

More information can be found here:

Sheriff Senior Volunteer Patrol

Established in 1994, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Senior Volunteer Program is a volunteer-based program for individuals 50 years and older who want to serve their community by promoting public safety and crime prevention programs as well as providing assistance at Sheriff stations. Duties range from assisting with administrative work, patrolling neighborhoods, and checking on the welfare of elderly or disabled persons.

More information and to apply: